Summer is here and that means lots of sunshine! That also means protecting your skin from the sun; OC is here to answer all your questions about SPF! OC has two sunscreens in the works SPF30 & SPF60, join our mailing list to be the first to know!
Choosing a sunscreen: What to look for
- Broad spectrum: Protects your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. SPF alone doesn’t protect from harmful UVA rays.
- SPF 15-30: Ideal for every day, occasional exposure, like walking your dog, or driving.
- SPF 30+: Necessary for extended outdoor activities, hiking, swimming & outdoor sports.
What is SPF?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and it’s a measure of how much UVB protection a product has. It measures the number of UVB rays that penetrate through our skin. To break it down in a scientific way, SPF15 lets 1/15th (or 7%) of rays through to your skin, whereas an SPF50 only allows 1/50th (2%).
Is the SPF in your beauty products actually effective?
There has been a huge spike in SPF beauty products on the market, almost every BB cream, foundation or moisturizer has SPF in it nowadays because SPF is the most important tool in our anti-aging arsenal; UV radiation damages our skin which can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation issues, and increased risk of skin cancer. So, a lot of consumers are ditching the broad-spectrum facial sunscreen for a moisturizer with SPF because one less step in your routine sounds great, right? Dermatologists and scientists are saying no, and here’s why!
1. Sunscreens & moisturizers are meant to do completely opposite things!- Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against UVB and UVA rays.
- UVB are the rays responsible for sunburns and only affect the outer layer of skin, which your SPF can totally handle.
- UVA rays affect deeper into the skin and tissue to cause serious damage and are the rays responsible for skin cancer. Your moisturizer isn’t going to cut it against UVA rays.